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Bikini hair removal:is permanent hair removal dangerous?

Permanent hair removal methods

For permanent bikini hair removal, the two most popular methods are laser hair removal or pulsed light hair removal. The area is so sensitive and fragile that it is strongly discouraged to opt for electric hair removal. Laser hair removal promises a more permanent result. This technique performed under medical supervision is also much more expensive. Pulsed light hair removal is rather semi-permanent. It is generally to be renewed after a few years, but it has the advantage of being much less expensive than the laser. It is important to know that laser and pulsed light mainly work on light skin and dark hair. To forget if you have white or blond hair. During the first interview, the doctor will ask you what shape you want for your swimsuit:classic, high-cut or Brazilian, full. It is essential to think about it carefully before any hair removal.

The dangers of permanent bikini hair removal

Before any permanent bikini waxing session, it is necessary to take a number of precautions. There are also many contraindications. The use of laser or pulsed light is "prohibited" on tanned skin, women with weakened immune systems or who have coagulation or healing disorders, melanomas, tattoos, irritations, pregnant women or breast-feeding, or taking certain photosensitizing treatments. The hygienic conditions must be impeccable at the risk of ending up with redness, pimples or even infections. The laser is not without danger. Manifestations such as blisters, burns or bruises are possible. It is essential not to expose yourself to the sun before a session otherwise you risk swelling and burns. Permanent hair removal with pulsed light has less risk of burns.

Alternatives to permanent bikini hair removal

If you are not ready to take the plunge, know that there are many very effective alternatives. Traditional bikini waxing methods are still the most popular with women. The most effective is waxing at home or in a salon. You will be “quiet” the longest, but this method is also the most painful (especially the first time). The easiest and fastest technique is to use a razor. Best to do it in the shower. The downside is that you have to take out your razor several times a week for a clean result. For classic hair removal (and especially not full), you can use depilatory cream. The chemical agents in the cream can cause irritation or even lesions of the vaginal mucous membranes. There is also the bikini trimmer, mainly used for touch-ups.