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Beauty recipe:salt spray

It's almost summer, and for a few years the trend has been wavy. You know that wavy beach-style hair? Only here, we do not have all the chances of having the undulations of Blake Lively, and even less natural. So here is the natural solution:a recipe for making your own seawater spray.

Let's start at the beginning:the hardware. First of all, you need a bottle of course, but not just any bottle:a bottle with a spray pump. In terms of ingredients, you need water (it makes sense), salt (preferably coarse salt), and if possible a hair care cream according to their nature, to counter the drying effect of salt. It is not excluded to add an essential oil if you want to give a pleasant scent to your mixture.

We therefore mix about 100 ml of water + 5 g of salt + a little of the care of our choice + a few drops of essential oil (about 2 ml, that is more than enough). Then, we transfer the mixture into the spray bottle.

For use, apply the spray to wet hair, rather on the lengths (at the root, it can be greasy). While they dry, we sculpt the curls with our fingers, we ruffle the hair, we roll it up… in short, this is where the wavy is created! Little tip:if you don't have time to sculpt the curls well with your fingers, you can also simply opt for a bun that you will undo once your hair is dry.